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             THE PLAN 

This plan is designed to support you on a journey of self-discovery. Over the next six weeks there will be time for reflection and exploration as we look at a variety of tools and resources you can use to create the life you desire

Self-discovery. Time for reflection and contemplation.



Week one you will begin your journey of self-discovery. Using a range of tools, you will take a look at where you are right now with your feelings, your thoughts your behaviours and how you are showing up in the world. Explore what your best life looks, feels, smells, tastes and sounds like and create a visual representation of that life. You will also have access to some meditation and mindfulness practices that will enable you to bring some relaxation and awareness into your daily life.

WEEK 2 & 3


During weeks 2 & 3, you will begin to explore what you really desire in life and learn techniques to support you in your day to day practices to actualise these desires. Using a range of tools you will be able to develop the skills you need to live your best life. Some of these techniques will include the use of balancing energy through Qi Gong. You will also explore the Law of Attraction and how some people use this principle to attract what it is they want into their life.

Discover what you really desire in life and how to get it.
What is stopping you from achieving your desires?



In weeks 4&5, you will look at what is stopping you from living the life you want and identify some of the core beliefs you hold about yourself and your place in the world. You will continue to expand on your knowledge and strengthen your ability to use techniques that you can access at any time to bring calm and clarity into any challenging situations including how to challenge thoughts and behaviours that may be impeding you from achieving the changes you desire in your life . You will use Neuro-linguistic programming, (NLP) techniques to identify the beliefs that may be holding you back. NLP was created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. It is used extensively in coaching to support people in overcoming mistaken beliefs they hold that are preventing them living the life they desire.In week three you will also look at some targeted mindful meditation to create new awareness and clear blockages that relate to any particular issues of concern.



This week you will assess your journey over the previous 5 weeks.

You will identify and acknowledge the positive changes you have experienced.

You will look at where any challenges are and consider how to work through those.

Using some powerful planning tools you will create a plan for moving forward in your life.

Reflection and planning for your future.
Cost: $149.00 inclusive of materials and weekly live Zoom Workshops.
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